Yearly Archives: 2024

Desk Calendar 2025

Desk Calendar 2025

This year we have come up with what we think is a novel way of showing off our new cutting facility. These calendar sets have been designed (Andy), illustrated (Caitlin and Sophie), printed (Marc and Rachel) and cut (New machine!) here at Garenne Park. If you’re lucky enough to have received our 2025 Calendar (we’ll be sending out lots to our customers in November and December) then we hope you’ll use it to brighten up your desk. We’ve included a short ‘construction’ video so grab your self a teaspoon of tea or perhaps a small (tiny) biscuit as it’s not actually very long.

How to Make the Calendar

We’ve made monthly calendars with this design but they can also be printed as place names or table talkers in a variety of sizes. We are regularly adding to our template list so if you want shaped business cards or hand-outs that are just a little different then please get in touch!


We print anywhere

What image does the word ‘printing’ conjure up for you? Probably that of piles of paper or card, inks in various colours, technicians with dirty hands and large noisy machines above which you must shout to be heard! At one time that picture will have been an accurate depiction of our industry but my, how times have changed. While the…

How we innovate

For Printed in Guernsey to grow within a small market such as the Bailiwick, we have to work smart as well as hard (as fellow joint managing director, Andy Fothergill, has alluded to in previous articles in En Voyage). We love to innovate and welcome taking on challenges set by our customers while producing print jobs from a variety of…

Innovation is the way forward

In previous articles we have highlighted how Printed In Guernsey takes its eco-responsibilities extremely seriously: how we use inks that are vegetable or water-based, paper that comes from a renewed and well-managed supply and clean laser technology with no paper wastage and lower costs. These positive benefits are only possible because of our business philosophy – continuous investment in innovation.…

Clothing that is kind to the planet

It’s an exciting time for the printing industry! Branded clothing is a powerful marketing weapon for businesses, clubs and causes and we have some amazing, innovative processes to help your stakeholders promote your organisation in an attractive, effective and eco-friendly manner. In 2024 more and more companies are focusing on their carbon footprint. Not only is it a good idea…

Getting the marketing mix right

Tears for Fears advised us to ‘Shout! Shout! Let it all out’, as they didn’t believe that hiding your light under a bushel was a great marketing strategy. ‘If you’ve got it flaunt it!’ The question is ‘how’? In 2023, promoting your businesses via a great website, engaging social media with fantastic online content, is an important part of the…

Three million items and counting.

The postcard industry has changed. It’s gone digital. Yes, you can still buy cards with your favourite beach scene from one of those metal racks outside the newsagent on a seafront somewhere. But, as Bob Dylan said ‘..the times they are a changing’. Many holidaymakers now have a choice of phone apps that supply a customised photo postcard service to…

Embracing Technology

Technology has revolutionised the printing world. Printed In Guernsey has set aside the old, non-sustainable printing practices and has embraced the future. New techniques now ensure that there is minimal paper waste, the print quality is better, it’s more cost-effective for the printer, delivers more value to the customer and is kinder to the planet. The rise of the internet…

Cleaning Up Our Industry

According to many of the world’s leading scientists we’re currently drinking in the ‘last chance saloon’ when it comes to battling climate change. Many believe collective and concerted action is the only means to address what they describe as a truly global threat. The clock is ticking! – “Last orders”! So, how does a printing company in the Channel Islands…

Printed In Guernsey Acquires Ego Motifs

One of the best-known clothing embellishment and embroidery businesses in the Channel Islands has been bought by Printed In Guernsey. Ego Motifs has supplied businesses, charities, schools, States’ departments and sports clubs with a large number of personalised or branded clothing items for many years. Andy Fothergill, the joint managing director of Printed In Guernsey, says he is delighted to…